Saturday, 23 April 2011

Verb Series – Special Verbs

We’ve seen a basic introduction on verbs, yet there are more sections to be dealt on verbs as it plays a major role in any grammar. Today it is featured on SPECIAL VERBS. It gives an intro to special verbs.

Read the following:
1.      He isn’t reading.
2.      Can you swim?
3.      She has left, hasn’t she?

·         In sentence 1, the verb is combined with n’t.
·         In sentence 2, the verb can make a question form by coming before the subject.
·         In sentence 3, the verb has serves to make a question tag.

These verbs and few others behave in this way. They are called special verbs,* because they behave in a particular or special way. There are 24 such verbs.

List of special verbs:

ought to
used to
      As indicated above, these verbs have a very important in the formation of negatives, question and question tags. They are frequently used in short answers, addition to remarks, etc.
*special verbs are termed as ‘anomalous finites’,' modal verbs' , 'auxiliary verbs'.

Note: This article doesn’t covers the full scope of the above dealt parts of speech. It is better  recommended for a basic understanding only.

Happy Reading !!! Leave your valuable comments and help me grow :)

Source : Wren and Martins'  English Grammar and Composition., image source:Google.

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Thursday, 21 April 2011


I'm back after a long gap of 20 days and few hours :) Came across some good happenings and not so good happenings.Thank God we're safe. Attended two interviews and gained some new experiences.Hoping to post about those experiences too.Anyways CHEEERRRRRS for our historic world cup win:)))).And......back to blogging  again.My thoughts were much randomized I guess:-)
                                            ARTICLES it goes.....The best part about ARTICLES is only 3 articles:) , but still more rules to be followed while using it actually !!! :)
ARTICLES: ‘A’ ,’an’ and ‘the’ are called articles. The is called the definite article and a(or an) the indefinite article.

I.    THE USE OF ‘AN’:

1.       ‘AN’ is used before a single noun which is pronounced with a vowel sound.
An umbrella, an elephant, an animal.
2.       ‘An’ is used before a singular noun n which ‘h’ is silent.
An honest man , an heir.
3.       It is used before a consonant in an abbreviation which begins with a vowel sound.
an M.A ., an M.L.A


1.       ‘A’ is used before a singular noun beginning with a constant sound.
A good day , a doctor.
2.       It is used before a singular noun beginning with a vowel which has a ‘w’ constant sound.
A one eyed man , a one man army.
3.       It is used before a singular noun beginning with a vowel which has a ‘y’ consonant sound.
A university , A utensil etc.


1.    ' The' is used before a definite person.
The President , the prime minister, the secretary.
2.       It is used when the same noun is repeated for the second time.
There was an old man. The old man had a dog. The dog barked violently.
3.       It  is used before ranks.
Example: The first , The former
4.       It is used before superlative degrees.
Example:  the worst, the best.
5.       It is used before holy books.
Example: The Quran , The Bible.
6.       It is used before unique things.
Example:The Earth, The moon.
7.       It is used before the names of the rivers, seas, oceans, mountain ranges etc.
Example: The Alps , The Himalayas.
8.       It is used before the names of the countries consisting of the words like union,United Kingdom,Republic.
Example: The Union of India , The U.S.S.R
9.       It is used where a singular noun represents the whole class.
Examples:The  Cow is an useful animal.
10.   It is used when two comparatives are in a single sentence.
Example: the older we grow, the wiser we become.
11.   It is used before an adjective when the noun is understood.
Example:The rich are proud.
12.   It is used before a proper noun when it is used as a common noun.
Examples: Bombay is the Manchester of India.
13.   It is used before an abstract noun when the name of a particular person is given.
Example:The patience of J.P is adorable.
14.   It is used before the name of a person with its plural form representing the whole family.
Example: The Smiths.
15.   It is used before the names of shops, banks,hotels etc.
Example:The Rotary club.
16.   It is used before the names of ships and trains and aeroplanes.
Example:The Rawalpindi Express.
17.   It is used before the names of musical instruments.
Example:The Guitar.
18.   It is used before the types of forces.
Exammple: The Naval force, The Army force.
19.   It is used before stations.
Examples: The post office.
20.   It is used before a comparative degree used with ‘of the two’.
Example: Gita is the tailor of the two sisters.
Note: This article doesn’t covers the full scope of the above dealt parts of speech. It is better  recommended for a basic understanding only.

Happy Reading !!! Leave your valuable comments and help me grow :)

 Source : Wren and Martins'  English Grammar and Composition.,Career launcher;s Fundamentals of Grammar & RC, image source:Google.

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